Free & Discounted Reiki Training!

And that's not all!

If you ever wanted to learn Reiki, now is your chance! I’m offering a one-off 50% discount on my Reiki level 1 class on the 21st and 22nd of June!

If you want to learn to heal yourself and help friends and family who might be suffering from physical or emotional issues, then this class could be for you!

Reiki is one of the world’s fastest-growing therapies (and has been for the past 20 years or more) because it’s so effective, so simple and people love it!

And if you want to learn Reiki for FREE, I’m offering a full Reiki level 1 training on the 7th and 8th September to everyone that signs up for the Reiki, Meditation and Creativity retreat taking place in Luxor, Egypt from the 26th of September through to 3rd of October!

During the retreat, we’ll be taking a deep dive into using Reiki not only as a method to heal yourself and others, but how to use Reiki to dive deep into an exploration of your own true self and how to use the energetic empowerment to connect to the energies of the sacred sites that we’ll be visiting. Places like Luxor and Karnak temples, The Valley of the Kings and the Tomb of Tutankhamun!

This is stuff that you won’t get in a regular Reiki class!

We’ll also develop our meditation practice and learn how to express our true selves through creative expression. Discover your true self, heal yourself, and express yourself. These are the three core strands of what is going to be a mind-blowing experience at the heart of ancient Egypt!

So, if you want to learn Reiki and experience just how powerful it can be, either sign up for the 50% discounted class on 21st-22nd June or join the Reiki, Meditation & Creativity retreat and get so much more!

All the details are on my website:

One of my students giving her husband a Reiki treatment during a class in Cairo.


or to participate.